Week 12

Crafting Our Future Together
Week 10

Great Work from the Week:

*PTA putting on the Fall Festival! Everyone had a great time!
*Teachers administering the first round of District Assessments, thank you for all of your hard work!
*RUSD State of the District, thank you 6th grade for sending Isabella with me, we had a great time.
*Super Tiger! 
*Coding in classrooms. Great job Ms. Hawthorne
*RACE - is evident in every classroom. 
*The shift from teacher centered instruction to student centered learning. Team Harrison is amazing. 
*Please help me welcome Teresa Gamez. She will be our new Translator starting November 1st .

From Lynn Carmen Day 

Dear RUSD Team,

Please note the delay in start of the RUSD Engagement Survey, October 29, 2018.

A note from Gallup:

Riverside Unified School District has partnered with Gallup, an independent research and consulting company, to conduct the RUSD Engagement Survey. You will soon receive an email from Gallup inviting you to participate in the online survey. It will be open from October 29 to November 9 and should take only a few minutes to complete.

Gallup will hold your personal responses completely confidential. Under no circumstances will your responses be revealed to anyone at RUSD. After everyone has completed the survey, Gallup will generate reports that summarize the responses for each department/site. To protect your confidentiality, reports will be generated only for groups with at least four employees participating in the survey. No individual responses will be reported.

You will learn the results of the survey later this winter. It is important that you participate in the survey so your voice can be heard. Please watch for another email message from Gallup which will give you instructions on taking the survey.

"Helping People Be Heard"

Have a fantastic weekend!


Lynn Carmen Day, Chief Academic Officer
Phone: (951) 788-7135, Ext. 80405
Fax: (951) 778-5668

Our goal for the RUSD Engagement Survey is 100% - Please let me know if you need me to cover you for 10-15 minutes so you can take the survey. I am happy to have you log into my computer to take the survey. Your opinion matters. 

Nuts and Bolts

-Please remember to take a walkie talkie with you during recess or PE. If you are leaving your class for an event such as book buddies, or a special trip to the library please just let the office know so we can find you in the event that we need you, or you can take a walkie. 

- Please Let Amy know when you have approved an Independent Studies so she can move forward with the contract with the student and parent. 

- Please carry your keys with you, as the Teacher's Lounge is often secured. 

- Let Amy know when you need Lexia certificates. 

- If you expecting classroom treats, please let Debbie know ASAP so she can work with out to determine allergies and student needs. 

- Please invite me to any lesson where you are intentionally working on Danielson 3C. 

- Coding Kits should be going out, please let me know when you are Coding, I would love to come watch. 

* Inclement weather SCHEDULE  if we need. 

* Indoor recess or PE ideas Click Here.

* Please sign up for the Eureka Training for your grade
level through the PD Hub.

* Danielson Training Dates:
1/15- Gainer, Fortin, McConnell, Hawthorne, Black, Patterson and Gonsalves.
2/28 - Voss, Clark, Pofahl, Larson, Peterson, Hernandez and McKendall.
4/9- Tavaglione, Loder, Egana, Pham,Vaughan, Shay
4/23 - Pritchard, Unzueta, Franczak, Patterson (SLP)

DATA DAYS - We will be looking at student data from the IABs and district assessments. Please bring your computer and what you will need for planning. We will be working together for the first part of the day, then you will have the rest of the day to plan instruction based on data. We will also be looking at the Instructional Guide and the Danielson Framework. Please bring both of these documents. 

Upcoming Events

RUSD Engagement Survey for Staff 10/29-11/9 Goal is 100% Participation

10/29 - 6th Grade data day
10/29- Lunch with a Loved One
10/30 - 5th Grade data day
Image result for funny halloween cat memes10/31 - 4th Grade data day
10/31- Classified Meeting (Gallup)
10/31 - Halloween
11/1 - 3rd Grade data day
11/1 - Make up picture day
11/2 - Coffee for staff
11/2 - Minimum Day 11:15 dismissal

11/5 - Clarissa and Shanell of campus for meeting (Clarissa back after 12:00pm)
11/6 - 2nd Grade data day
11/6 - Fire Drill 8:15 am
11/6 - Staff Meeting (Teaching with your Strengths)
11/6 US Election Day 
11/7 - Clarissa off campus until 12:30 pm
11/7 Attendance Cut off 
11/7 - Lori off campus after 12:00pm
11/8 - Parent Teacher conference
11/8 - Clarissa off campus until 1:00 pm and after 3:00pm
11/9 - Parent Teacher Conference

Common Commitments – We are going to implement the RA in RACE. We are going to use collaboration/Productive Partnering and Sentence frames.
You were provided with RACE (ELA and Math), the 4 L’s and sentence frame posters. They are expected to be up and used in all classrooms (important for coherence). They do not have to be the exact ones we passed out but they need to be the same in content - I understand wall space can be a challenge. 
We are going to model RA verbally by using complete sentences and holding students accountable for responding in complete sentences.

As we move forward this school year I want to also remind you that we are focusing on core instruction. If we are focused on high levels of instruction with engaging and meaningful standards based lessons we are well on our way to moving students. RACE, collaboration, sentence frames and modeling complete sentences, are some  instructional strategies that can help us move students. 

DANIELSON 3C - Student Engagement


10/31 - Rhonda Egana

Image result for cat birthday meme


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