Week 22
Crafting Our Future Together! Week 22 Great Things From the Week: *100 Day of School! Thank you for your support and participation, you are amazing. * PTA Glow Party - Thank you staff who worked the event *Saturday School 44 participants - Thank you to the staff that worked *Restorative Practices Training - We will be completing the training early February and designing a roll out plan. *Boystown training - We will finish the training this week and many teachers will be piloting the program. * HILT - Thank you for relaying so many topics to the team - Thank you Kinder and Franczak for turning in DIBELS goals! Rock stars (They are due Feb. 1st) *Thank you Shelley for going with me to pick up free school supply donations and dumping glue sticks (about 1000) all over the ground and my truck (they are still rolling around). *Thank you teachers for a great Super Tige...