Week 20
Crafting Our Future Together!
Week 20
Great Things From The Week:
*Surviving the first week back from break
*Thank you Amy for handeling all the enrollment changes (it's that time of year, students coming and going).
*Thank you Shannell, Rudy, Amy, Lori, Carlos and Shanda for all your hard work getting Saturday School going. 53 Students attended!
*Shout out to all the teachers that encouraged students to come to Saturday School, we had a huge turn out in 2nd and 3rd grade! Thank you
*Thank you Karen for letting us use your room for the staff meeting and SSC.
*Thank you for your flexibility with visitors and presenters. I always want to show off your great wok and open the doors at any opportunity.
*Thank you 6th grade for being flexible and booking a field trip last minute.
*Thank you Alice for diving into FOSS Science. It is a lot of work, but the kids love it!
*Thank you Alma for being flexible with IEPs and the caseload
*Thank you to the STEP team for graduating several students and welcoming a few more Harrison Tigers.
*Fire drills are running very smooth, thank you all.
*SST team did a great job working together to address the needs of two students, thank you.
*Thank you to the aids that went above and beyond to help out, we had several aids out last week.
*MATH- I am so excited to see all of you growing more proficient with Eureka. I love seeing students talking, exploring and discovering math concepts.
SLT - Common Commitments:
As a staff we will commit to Intentional Collaborative Conversations.
“Intentional” means- grouping students together for an intentional purpose: giving certain partners or groups specific types of questions, and/or giving roles/jobs to particular students for a purpose in mind. (Such as a Reader, Writer, Illustrator, Reporter, etc… without giving a lower reader the Reader position, or shy person the reporter position.)
Within the Collaborative Conversations include using the 4Ls as norms, using sentence frames, complete sentences, and RACE as appropriate.
January 25th is the 100th day of school. To celebrate we are all dressing up like we are 100. Fliers will be going home next week. As a school we can parade around the circle. I am not inviting parents to the parade, it gets to crazy. More information to come. (Thrift shops have some great gear at great prices if you would like to get in the spirit with me)
TENTATIVE CAASPP TESTING WINDOW : (Draft Schedule at this time)
Grades 3-6 ELA April 29th - May 3rd
Grades 3- 6 Math May 6th - 10th
Grade 5 Science May 13th -17th
Make- Ups for all May 13th - May 24th (If necessary)
It is likely that we will not have library and READ 180 for the month of May due to construction and testing. Please do not schedule any field trips or invite/plan school wide activities from April 29th - May 17th if it will impact those testing. If you know a student is going on Independent Studies during their testing window please let me know ASAP.
Staffing and Construction Update:
*Retirement notifications need to be in by Feb 12th (I believe)
*Grade Level Preference Sheets will be going into your boxes around Feb 12th as well.
*Contract states you need to know your tentative grade level by May 15th, but I am hoping to have that information to you well before that. (I have to consider retirements, hires/transfers, leadership team, GATE, etc.......and moves).
*Constructions currently is slated to start this summer. There are so many moving parts and they meet to discuss and adjust every two weeks that it is hard to move beyond a draft plan. I will let you know to the best of my ability where you are moving, if you are moving, and what construction will be done on each of your work spaces by April. I am trying to give you as much time to prepare for the moves, and construction. But it is always a moving target. I appreciate your patience.
*We are committed to teaching all four parts of Eureka Everyday: Fluency, Application Problem, Concept Development, Debrief.
*Goal is a balance of 50% teacher talk and 50% student talk.
*Manipulatives should be out and used.
-Instructional Time is valuable, please make sure we maximize every minute we have with our students. Make sure your activities all day long are addressing the Standards.
* Indoor recess or PE ideas Click Here.
* Please sign up for the Eureka Training for your grade level through the PD Hub.
* Danielson Training Dates: (Please trade with someone if you can not make your training date)
-Instructional Time is valuable, please make sure we maximize every minute we have with our students. Make sure your activities all day long are addressing the Standards.
* Indoor recess or PE ideas Click Here.
* Please sign up for the Eureka Training for your grade level through the PD Hub.
* Danielson Training Dates: (Please trade with someone if you can not make your training date)
1/15- Gainer, Fortin, McConnell, Hawthorne, Black, Patterson and Gonsalves.
2/28 - Voss, Clark, Pofahl, Larson, Peterson, Hernandez and McKendall
4/9- Tavaglione, Loder, Egana, Pham,Vaughan, Shay
4/23 - Pritchard, Unzueta, Franczak
Boys Town Training for those who signed up will be here at Harrison 1/24 and 1/29
Restorative Practices for those who signed up will be 1/22 and 2/11 from 8:00-3:30 at EOC
This Week:
Progress Reports go home 1/18/2019
3-6 argumentative Writing Assessment This week
1/14- ELAC Meeting 2:15-3:15
1/15- First Round of Danielson (Clarissa gone until 2)
1/15- 911 Assembly for TK and K 8-8:30
1/15- 911 Assembly for Preschool, Grade 1 and K-2 STEP 8:45-9:15
1/16- Esther and Clarissa doing classroom walk through 12:30-1:30 (I will keep you updated if needed)
1/16- Vision, Hearing Screening
1/17- Clarissa on campus from 12:30-2:30 pm ONLY (Alma designee)
1/18- Clarissa off campus 8:30-12:00 pm
1/18- 911 Assembly PM Preschool and Grade 2
1/18- Amazon Field Trip Grade 6
1/18- Spirit Day
Next Week:
1/22 - Restorative Practices at EOC (Clarissa out partial day)
1/22- HILT - Topic DIBELS
1/24- Boys Town Training Room 24 (Clarissa at training).
1/25- 100 Day of School - Dress up and Parade at 1:30
1/25 - PTA Family Dance
1/26 - Saturday School (Please advertise)
1/13- Pam Kehler
1/14- Lizbeth Gamez
1/14- Stacey Nash
1/23 - Alma Caliari
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