Week 3

Crafting Our Future Together!

Blog Spot

Week 3

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Great Things from This week:

* Please help welcome and congratulate Lalo Ortega our newest STEP 1:1 Aide. 

*Instructional Assistants did an amazing job while the STEP Teachers where away for two days at a training. AGAIN!!!

*HILT, Rhonda and Amy spending the day preparing the Harrison Report (Presentation to come).

*Alma, Pam and Simone prepared delicious treats for the staff.

* Amazing teachers at the DIBELS training, we appreciate you. 

* Lori and Debbie holding down the office of Friday, great job.

* Alma serving as Admin. Designee

* Alma presenting Danielson Training

*SAP and the sixth grade team working together to support students.

*Shanda attending ELA adoption committee


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Upcoming Events:
Monday - K-2 Early Numeracy Training
Tuesday 8/28 - Clarissa at Principal Collaborative 10:30-1:30
Tuesday 8/28 - HILT Meeting (Strengths Finders, STEP and the Cycle of Inquiry)
Wednesday 8/29 - Classified Meeting (Topic Harrison Report and Mandated Reporter Training) Bring Alex
Wednesday 8/29- PTA Ice Cream Social 3:00-4:30
Thursday 8/30 - Fire Drill 8:30 am.
Saturday 9/1 - Gerry Brooks!

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Monday 9/3 - Labor Day
Tuesday 9/4 - Staff Meeting (Topic Harrison Report and Mandated Reporter Training)
Wednesday 9/5 - Clarissa in several meetings, onsite from 9:00-11:00 ONLY Alma Admin. Designee
Thursday 9/6 - Clarissa at Principal's meeting 8:00-12:00 Alma Admin. Designee
Thursday 9/6 - First Grade at Eureka Training
Friday 9/7 - DIBELS DUE

Nuts and Bolts:

-Please communicate with parents and students that we only allow store bought treats into class. It must be prearranged with teacher. Teachers please communicate with office so we can expect the delivery. Food can not go home with students. ONLY parents can take left over food home.

- 3-6 Amplify is almost ready, I will let you know as soon as you can input.

- We have lots of subs due to PD. Please set high expectations for your students and follow up with sub. Students are taking advantage of subs and not following school rules.

- READ 180 will begin Monday! Thank you Ms. Kwon

A Message From Shanda:


From The District: 
Student Success Team (SST) Facilitator Training
SST Facilitator Training is scheduled for Sept. 12 from 8:00am-12:00pm at Miller MS in Room 306. A repeat session of the training will be held on Oct. 10 from 8:00am-12:00pm at the same location. Please have your SST Facilitator enroll for the course on the RUSD PD Hub under the Common Core link. Sites are responsible for the costs of subs, if needed. The SST process and forms have some revisions. Please be sure that your school is represented at the training.

Rosetta Stone
Got Newcomers?  Please contact Vienessa Lopez for Rosetta Stone licenses.  Thank you!

Ellevation Training
Save the date!  Ellevation Training for Administrators and EL Contacts will be on September 5th.  We will be offering Ellevation Training for all administrators.  Please ensure that one administrator from each site attends, as both our Progress Monitoring and Reclassification processes are being refined.  It is incredibly important that our EL Contacts attend as well.  Times are listed below; location to be determined.  More info coming soon!
  • Administrators: 12:00-3:00 lunch provided
  • EL Contacts:  4:00-7:00 dinner provided
Digital Citizenship Curriculum Update
The Department of Innovation and Learner Engagement has revised and updated Digital Citizenship lessons for all students. Information about the update can be found HERE.
The new site with all resources and materials can be accessed HERE for elementary, HERE for middle schools, and HERE for high schools. If you have any questions about the new curriculum, please contact Caryn Sanchez Cmsanchez@rusdlearns.net (Elementary) or Ariana Flewelling Aflewelling@rusdlearns.net (Secondary)

STATE TESTING - Coordinator identification and Sign Ups for Upcoming Trainings 
 1.      Coordinator Trainings are in the PD Hub under “RAE 00-12” for sign ups:
CAASPP – August 22, 29, or Sept 4 (Topics: Smarter Balanced Interim Assessments, Accessibility Tools, and CAASPP security expectations)
ELPAC Summative – August 28, or September 13 (Elementary Focus), August 30, or September 18 (Secondary Focus) Examiner training and training for examiner trainers are also listed.
PFT – December 6 (MS/HS) or December 18 (Elementary)

 2.    Score reports – Score reports for each assessment will be mailed to parent/guardians this month.
CAASPP – By August 30.
ELPAC Summative – The district is still awaiting results and score reports.

PFT – By September 1.

2019 Lois B. Krieger Water Project Grants for Educators
Receive up to $1000 in classroom funding.  Deadline to apply is November 9, 2018.  This is a great opportunity for schools and teachers to receive some additional funding for science.  Please click here for the website with the application.  

Through the grant program, educators and students have the opportunity to become actively engaged in educational and water-related projects.  This program continues to have a wide-ranging impact on students and educators in Western’s general service area.  The application filing period began on August 1.  The deadline to apply is Friday, November 9.  Teachers in Western’s service area are eligible to apply.  For a list of public schools visit: http://wmwd.com/366/Qualifying-Schools  
 For questions regarding the grant application process email: LDeGrave@WMWD.com


8/26 Maria Avelar
9/6 Anne Peterson
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