Week 6
Crafting Our Future Together
Week 6
Great things from the week:
*Donation from IBEW Local Union 440 (Please send thank you notes up ASAP).
*Codeing!!! We are the first elementary school in the district with every teacher trained in code.org.
*Maria attending ELPAC training
*Lori attending CAASPP training (Information to come).
*Superiors coming together to support students.
*DATA driving instruction and interventions being discussed at Team Meetings - Great job!
*Eureka Fluency Training
* Thank you Shelley for letting us use your work space, Shelley is awesome.
*Choir Try Outs - Thank you Rhonda for all of your hard work! Great Turn out
*SAP helping students, thank you Christina
*STEP Team for always working together and communicating. You are doing an amazing job.
*STEP Team for always working together and communicating. You are doing an amazing job.
Nuts and Bolts:
- September 28th is All In Perfect Attendance Day. Please talk with your students and help promote 100% perfect attendance. If we meet our goal, a student from each grade level will be selected to Whip Cream the Principal! The entire school will be invited to watch. Fliers go home Monday!!!!
-We will be interviewing for our READ 180 position next week. We will not be adding any students until the new teacher comes on board, just to help with the transition.
-Read Works intervention will be starting the week of the 24th and will serve students who are NOT in read 180 and need support with core curriculum.
-Please remember to take a walkie talkie with you during recess or PE. If you are leaving your class for an event such as book buddies, or a special trip to the library please just let the office know so we can find you in the event that we need you, or you can take a walkie.
- Fire drill was great! We will be planning a fire drill during some recess/lunch times as it is necessary for students to know what to do in the event that an emergency happens during one of these times. Please talk with your students about this. We will announce to staff when this will occur beforehand.
9/18- Shared Leadership- All HILT and Brown attending (Bourns 7:30-3:30) Alma Admin Designee
9/19 - PTA Meeting and Brunch - Brown off campus from 9-12
9/19 - Lori off campus after 12:00 pm
9/20 - 3rd grade at Eureka (Clarissa attending until 10:00 am)
9/21 - 1st grade at Eureka (Clarissa at Eureka after 12:00)
9/21 - Progress Reports Due to Clarissa
9/21 - Railway Safety Assemblies TK-2 (1:00-1:30 pm) 3-6 grade (1:30-2:00pm)
9/21 - Spirit Day - Wear your college shirt
9/24- 9/26 - Egana and Black at PBIS Training
9/24-10/22 - Gallup Poll survey open for 5/6th grade students
9/24 - Lunch with a Loved One
9/24 - 4th grade at Eureka
9/25 - 5th grade a Eureka
9/26 - Fall Picture Day MPR Stage and Room 15
9/26 - Classified Meeting (Topic: Active Intruder Training)
9/27 - 3-6 Field Trip to Ontario Reign
9/27 - Clarissa at Principals meeting until 12 (Alma admin.)
9/28 - 100 % Perfect Attendance Day
9/28 - Progress Reports go home
9/28 - Super Tiger Assemblies
9/24- 9/26 - Egana and Black at PBIS Training
9/24-10/22 - Gallup Poll survey open for 5/6th grade students
9/24 - Lunch with a Loved One
9/24 - 4th grade at Eureka
9/25 - 5th grade a Eureka
9/26 - Fall Picture Day MPR Stage and Room 15
9/26 - Classified Meeting (Topic: Active Intruder Training)
9/27 - 3-6 Field Trip to Ontario Reign
9/27 - Clarissa at Principals meeting until 12 (Alma admin.)
9/28 - 100 % Perfect Attendance Day
9/28 - Progress Reports go home
9/28 - Super Tiger Assemblies
I will be posting information from the Danielson "Framework for Teaching Evaluation Instrument". This will give you examples of each Domain and understand what proficiency looks like under Danielson. In Evaluation instrument they divide each Domain into sub-categories and provide an overall description and explanation of each sub-category:
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Domain 1 includes demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy, demonstrating knowledge of students, setting instructional outcomes and demonstrating knowledge of resources.
Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy is described as:
In order to guide student learning, teachers must have command of the subjects they teach. They must know which concepts and skills are central to a discipline and which are peripheral; they must know how the discipline has evolved into the 21st century, incorporating issues such as global awareness and cultural diversity. Accomplished teachers understand the internal relationships within the disciplines they teach, knowing which concepts and skills are prerequisite to the understanding of others. They are also aware of typical student misconceptions in the discipline and work to dispel them. But knowledge of the content is not sufficient; in advancing student understanding, teachers must be familiar with the particularly pedagogical approaches best suited to each discipline.
The elements of component 1a are:
teachers know what these are and how to use them in designing lessons and units.
found to be most effective in teaching.
Indicators include:
Domain 1: Planning and Preparation
Domain 1 includes demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy, demonstrating knowledge of students, setting instructional outcomes and demonstrating knowledge of resources.
Domain 1a: Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy is described as:
In order to guide student learning, teachers must have command of the subjects they teach. They must know which concepts and skills are central to a discipline and which are peripheral; they must know how the discipline has evolved into the 21st century, incorporating issues such as global awareness and cultural diversity. Accomplished teachers understand the internal relationships within the disciplines they teach, knowing which concepts and skills are prerequisite to the understanding of others. They are also aware of typical student misconceptions in the discipline and work to dispel them. But knowledge of the content is not sufficient; in advancing student understanding, teachers must be familiar with the particularly pedagogical approaches best suited to each discipline.
The elements of component 1a are:
- Knowledge of content and the structure of the discipline
- Knowledge of prerequisite relationships
teachers know what these are and how to use them in designing lessons and units.
- Knowledge of content-related pedagogy
found to be most effective in teaching.
Indicators include:
- Lesson and unit plans that reflect important concepts int he discipline
- Lesson and unit plans that accommodate prerequisite relationships among concepts and skills
- Clear and accurate classroom explanations
- Accurate answers to students' questions
- Feedback to students that furthers learning
- Interdisciplinary connections in plans and practice
Character Day Sept. 26, 2018:
Join the California Department of Education for the fifth annual
Character Day on September 26, 2018. Last year there were over 133,000
Character Day events in 150 countries and all 50 states. Character Day is a free global initiative
where school districts, individual classrooms, companies, organizations, and
families - groups of all sizes - screen films on the science of character
development from different perspectives, dive into free printed discussion
materials catered to different ages, and join and online global conversation
featuring prominent leaders discussing the importance of developing character
strengths (resilience, grit, empathy, courage, kindness)- all rooted in
evidence-based research. Character Day is one day, but the resources are
available year-round. Please visit the Let it Ripple Web page at http://www.letitripple.org/character-day/ to watch the one-minute trailer, for more information and to sign up.
As always, please make sure to review the materials before sharing with
your teacher to determine age appropriateness. Here is the link to the letter from Tom Torlakson and
Love Riverside:
What would happen if our entire community came together to Love
Riverside? Love Riverside's vision is to
inspire generosity that brings love in action to Riverside. They do this
through hosting a citywide serve day, inspiring ongoing volunteerism,
collaborating with leaders & communicating city & neighborhood events
that show all the good stuff going on in our city. The annual Love Riverside
Serve Day will be Saturday, October 13, 2018. We had a number of schools
participate last year and loved it. Join
in on the fun and serve our community.
For more information visit. https://www.loveriverside.org/
Principal’s Secretary Professional Development
As part of RUSD’s 2017-2020 (Year 2) LCAP Goal #1.3e, to “provide
professional development for classified staff…” the Division of Personnel -
Leadership & Development will continue to extend the professional
development being offered to classified employees by continuing with the
professional development series for all school site secretaries throughout the
2018-2019 school year. Attendees (new and
veteran Principal’s Secretaries) of these 4-hour (12:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.)
professional development workshops will be trained in areas in which they felt
they needed additional support.
Trainings for 2018/19:
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Wednesday, November 7, 2018
Wednesday March 13, 2019
Resume Writing and Interview Skills
RUSD, Department of Personnel – Leadership and Development is offering workshops to ALL classified employees providing tips on building a strong resume and on how to create the greatest impact during the interview bringing you closer to obtaining your career goals. Click here for Flyer
RUSD, Department of Personnel – Leadership and Development is offering workshops to ALL classified employees providing tips on building a strong resume and on how to create the greatest impact during the interview bringing you closer to obtaining your career goals. Click here for Flyer
Dates & Times for Workshops
Sept. 20, 2018 5:00pm–7:00pm
Sept. 25, 2018 10:00am–12:00pm
Feb. 21, 2019 5:00pm–7:00pm
Feb. 26, 2019 10:00am–12:00pm
All workshops will be at the District Office: 3380 14th Street, Riverside. Please contact personnel department with any questions: (951) 788-7135 ext. 80104
Sept. 20, 2018 5:00pm–7:00pm
Sept. 25, 2018 10:00am–12:00pm
Feb. 21, 2019 5:00pm–7:00pm
Feb. 26, 2019 10:00am–12:00pm
All workshops will be at the District Office: 3380 14th Street, Riverside. Please contact personnel department with any questions: (951) 788-7135 ext. 80104
Student Pick-up/Use of Uber/Lyft
Students cannot be picked up by Uber/Lyft, even if the parent
calls and gives permission. It is against Uber/Lyft policies to
transport minors without an adult. In cases of illness or emergency
involving students at school, the school will contact the parent/legal guardian
or relatives/friends listed on the student’s emergency card. ONLY individuals
listed on the student’s emergency card will be permitted to pick up the
student. Any person picking up a student for illness or emergency after being
contacted by the school will be required to show identification and to sign the
student out using the school log before they pick up or speak to the student.
(E.C. 49408). If you have any questions, contact your CWA Manager.
Kindness Rock Painting Event
The Anti-Bullying Institute and
Riverside Painted Rocks has scheduled an event on Saturday, October 20,
from 9 to 12. Please see the flyer
linked here for more details or go to Power
Learning>Pupil Services>Announcements.
8th Annual RUSD Family Engagement Summit
The 8th Annual RUSD Family Engagement Summit is scheduled for Saturday,
September 29, 2018 at Arlington High School. The goal of the annual
summit, which draws over 400 participants, is to engage, educate and inspire
families. Bus transportation will be available from Cesar Chavez Community
Center, Sierra Middle School, Ramona High School, and Villegas Community
The 8th Annual Summit will feature:
- Keynote Speaker, Dr. Daniel Walker, Historian and Film Maker
- Student Motivational Keynote, Mr. Jaime Ochoa, RUSD Dropout and
Retention Specialist
- 26 Parent Workshops Focusing on Student Learning and Engagement,
College and Career Readiness, and Family Well-Being
- Information Fair Highlighting RUSD Programs and Community Resources
- Continental Breakfast and Lunch
- Childcare for Children Ages 3-11
Please help us promote the Summit through your communication with
students and families, staff, and community members. If you have additional
questions, please contact the RUSD Family Resource Center at (951) 328-4003.
Constitution Day: September 17
Constitution Day or Citizenship Day is a national holiday recognizing
the ratification of the U.S. Constitution on September 17, 1787. Every
educational institution that receives federal funds is required to educate
students about the Constitution during the week of September 17.
Resources for teachers can be found at the following places:
Patent and Trademark Office’s (USPTO)
new video contest - Consumers Combat Counterfeits
The USPTO launched Consumers Combat Counterfeits to warn about
the dangers of fake products. Contest entrants should submit short (30-60
second) videos with the goal of educating the general public.
Entrants can participate in one of five categories:
· Grade school students
ages 10 – 13
· High school students
ages 14 – 18
· Undergraduate college
· General public
· Federal government
employees and their spouses and domestic partners
Prizes for the winning contestants include:
· Cash prizes ($250-500)
· Use of winning entries
in a 2019 public awareness campaign
Paid trip to the awards
ceremony in the Washington, D.C. area
The entry deadline is October 31, 2018. Learn more about
the contest at www.uspto.gov/TMVideoContest. If you have any
questions, or would like more information, feel free to contact USPTO at
TMVideocontest@uspto.gov or 571‑270-1151 (Dustin Bednarz), 571-272-3941(Tashia
Great California Shakeout - Thursday, October 18 at 10:18am.
More information will be emailed to
school sites in the next few weeks.
Blood Drive
Maintenance and Operations will be
hosting a Blood Drive on Friday, September 21 from 11:30am - 4pm. If you are
interested in donating blood, use the link below to sign-up.
Mystery Science
Available for ALL Elementary Teachers
RUSD has purchased a membership to
Mystery Science for all Elementary Schools. Teachers can log into Mysteryscience.com and click on any lesson to begin. The lessons are hands-on,
NGSS-aligned and support Common Core. For more information, please
contact Ashley Fulmer (NGSS Coordinator) afulmer@rusd.k12.ca.us or Shannon Dadlez (Elementary SDS) sdadlez@rusd.k12.ca.us
Gateway Training Waitlist
The TK-6 ELA/ELD Team is in the process of planning for a Gateway
Make-up Training for new hires or K-2 teachers who have not received previous
training. Please add any teachers needing initial training to the Gateway Waitlist Google Sheet by Wednesday, September 20.
9/17 - Gina Hernandez
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