Week 7

Crafting Our Future Together

Week 7

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 Great Things from the week:
* Close Reading Strategies
*Writing using text based evidence
*Writing using graphic organizers
*Book Buddies
*ELA Adoption materials arriving
*Tile Art
*Google Expeditions
*TK Centers
*Preschool students 
*Technology supporting learning
*Eureka Training

I have attended the fluency training with grades K, 1 and 3 this round. I really appreciate your professionalism. Please take advantage of our time in PD and learn. This is our learning year so please, ask questions and make sure you leave feeling supported and clear on expectations. Math is a focus for Harrison and RUSD. I will be looking for the implementation of the 4 components of Eureka!

-Application Problems
-Concept Development

I do understand that modifications may be present in every component but remember that all 4 components MUST be present daily and maintain the lesson objective.

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Nuts and Bolts:

- September 28th is All In Perfect Attendance Day. Please talk with your students and help promote 100% perfect attendance. If we meet our goal, a student from each grade level will be selected to Whip Cream the Principal! The entire school will be invited to watch. Fliers went home Monday!!!!

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-We will be interviewing for our READ 180 position Tuesday. 

-Read Works intervention will be starting this week  and will serve students who are NOT in read 180 and need support with core curriculum. I have many list, please make sure you give them to me if you have not.  More information to come early this week. 

-Please remember to take a walkie talkie with you during recess or PE. If you are leaving your class for an event such as book buddies, or a special trip to the library please just let the office know so we can find you in the event that we need you, or you can take a walkie. 

Progress Reports should be sent home with student by 9/28 - All students that are "at risk of retention" must have a progress report - any student that is struggling or you  notice needs help in any particular area should have a progress report sent home.  Please ensure that the progress report is NOT the first time parents are hearing about low academic performance in your classes.

* Inclement weather SCHEDULE  if we need. 

* Indoor recess or PE ideas Click Here.

* Please sign up for the Eureka Training for your grade
level through the PD Hub.

* Danielson Training Dates:
1/15- Gainer, Fortin, McConnell, Hawthorne, Black, Patterson and Gonsalves.
2/28 - Voss, Clark, Pofahl, Larson, Peterson, Hernandez and McKendall.
4/9- Tavaglione, Loder, Egana, Pham,Vaughan
4/23 - Pritchard, Unzueta, Franczak

Upcoming Events:

9/24- 9/26 - Egana and Black at PBIS Training 
9/24-10/22 - Gallup Poll survey open for 5/6th grade students
9/24 - Lunch with a Loved One
9/24 - 4th grade at Eureka
9/25 - 5th grade a Eureka
9/26 - Fall Picture Day MPR Stage and Room 15
9/26 - Classified Meeting (Topic: Active Intruder Training Bring Alex)
9/27 - 3-6 Field Trip to Ontario Reign
9/27 - Clarissa at Principals meeting until 12 (Alma admin.)
9/28 - 100 % Perfect Attendance Day 
9/28 - Progress Reports go home
9/28 - Super Tiger Assemblies

10/1 - 6th Grade at Eureka
10/1 - Clarissa walk through with PGS Provider
10/2- Clarissa at Principal Breakfast until 9:00
10/2 - Fire Drill at 8:15 am
10/2 - Staff Meeting (Topic CAASPP Training bring Steve)
10/3 - Shanda at ELA Adoption 
10/4 - Principal Working Group (Clarissa off campus until 10:00)
10/5 - Osmo and Ozobot 1/2 day trainings
10/5 - Coffee for staff

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The Framework for Teaching  - Domain 1a 

Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

 The Framework for Teaching provides a comprehensive model in which everybody talks about teaching in the same way and communicates the message that "we are serious about good teaching, we talk about teaching in this way, we expect you to think about teaching in this way and to use this model to examine your strengths and weaknesses and create a platform to allow for real reflective practice.  In this way, the school or district becomes a place where you get better at teaching. "(Marzano, 2008)

Below you will find the proficient and distinguished performance level for Domain 1a (Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy).  To be proficient in this domain the teacher "displays solid knowledge of the important concepts in the discipline and how these relate to one another."  Most teachers will be proficient, and that is the expectation under Danielson.  As you can see below, a proficient teacher under this domain is highly skilled in identifying relationships between content, they use suitable and appropriate instructional strategies and they recognize the need to front load content that students might find difficult.  


10/2  Shelley Miller

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