Week 8

Crafting Our Future Together

Week 8

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Great Things From the Week:
* Ontario Reign Field Trip - Thank you Shelley for setting up this opportunity! You are the BEST!
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* Super Tiger assembly (Great job TK-2 for the cheer)
* Lunch with a Loved One (We will host the last Monday of EVERY month)
*Ms. Black and Ms. Egana at PBIS Confrence
*Aides in Ms. Black's class helping out and working as a team
*Ms. Arroyo working with the office and the team to support her students
*Picture Day
*Alma and the office holding down the office when I am out

Nuts and Bolts:

- September 28th was our  All In Perfect Attendance Day. Ms. Tavaglione, Ms. Vaughan and Ms. Patterson all achieved perfect attendance for the day. Three students, one from each class will be selected to Whip Cream the Principal. The school is invited and it is scheduled for the end of the day, Friday October 12th. Students whip creaming, to be determined. (Please let me know if there is an error in this data)

-We have hired our Read 180 Teacher, Breanna Shay. 

-Read Works intervention will be starting Monday!

-Please remember to take a walkie talkie with you during recess or PE. If you are leaving your class for an event such as book buddies, or a special trip to the library please just let the office know so we can find you in the event that we need you, or you can take a walkie. 

- Please Let Amy know when you have approved an Independent Studies so she can move forward with the contract with the student and parent. 

- Please carry your keys with you, as the Teacher's Lounge is often secured. 

- Let Amy know when you need Lexia certificates. Students have earned 75 certificates ALREADY this year. 

- Saturday school sign up sheet is in the lounge. This year Shanell and I will be creating fun and exciting curriculum for Saturday school. You will not have to provide make up work, although you many provide it for students should you choose. I want the experience to be fun and engaging to promote attendance, rather then seen as punitive. You will be asked to send home invitations, we will give you the student list for invites. Please encourage the students to attend. We need one teacher per session at this point unless our attendance increases. 

- If you expecting classroom treats, please let Debbie know ASAP so she can work with out to determine allergies and student needs. 

* Inclement weather SCHEDULE  if we need. 

* Indoor recess or PE ideas Click Here.

* Please sign up for the Eureka Training for your grade
level through the PD Hub.

* Danielson Training Dates:
1/15- Gainer, Fortin, McConnell, Hawthorne, Black, Patterson and Gonsalves.
2/28 - Voss, Clark, Pofahl, Larson, Peterson, Hernandez and McKendall.
4/9- Tavaglione, Loder, Egana, Pham,Vaughan
4/23 - Pritchard, Unzueta, Franczak

Upcoming Events:

10/1 - 6th Grade at Eureka
10/1 - Clarissa walk through with PGS Provider Between 8:30-10:30
10/2- Clarissa at Principal Breakfast until 9:00
10/2 - Fire Drill at 8:15 am
10/2 - Staff Meeting (Topic SST/ Danielson/ CAASPP Training bring Steve)
10/3 - Shanda at ELA Adoption 
10/4 - Principal Working Group (Clarissa off campus until 10:00)
10/5 - Osmo and Ozobot 1/2 day training
10/5 - Coffee for staff

10/8 - Kiersten Frausto walk through 9:30-11:30
10/8- Columbus Day and Indigenous People's Day
10/9 - HILT
10/10 - Kaiser Run 5:30-6:30
10/11 - Clarissa at Principal's Meeting until 1 (Alma admin.)
10/11 - Clarissa at Leadership Team Meeting after 2:30
10/13 - Saturday School

FOCUS - Danielson

Teachers don’t teach content in the abstract; they teach it to students. In order to ensure student learning, therefore, teachers must know not only their content and its related pedagogy but also the students to whom they wish to teach that content. In ensuring student learning, teachers must appreciate what recent research in cognitive psychology has confirmed, namely, that students learn through active intellectual engagement with content. While there are patterns in cognitive, social, and emotional developmental stages typical of different age groups, students learn in their individual ways and may have gaps or misconceptions that the teacher needs to uncover in order to plan appropriate learning activities. In addition, students have lives beyond school—lives that include athletic and musical pursuits, activities in their neighborhoods, and family and cultural traditions. Students whose first language is not English, as well as students with other special needs, must be considered when a teacher is planning lessons and identifying resources to ensure that all students will be able to learn.
The elements of component 1b are:

Knowledge of child and adolescent development
 Children learn differently at different stages of their lives.
Knowledge of the learning process
 Learning requires active intellectual engagement.
Knowledge of students’ skills, knowledge, and language proficiency
 What students are able to learn at any given time is influenced by their level of knowledge and skill.
Knowledge of students’ interests and cultural heritage
 Children’s backgrounds influence their learning.
Knowledge of students’ special needs
Children do not all develop in a typical fashion.

Indicators include:
• Formal and informal information about students gathered by the teacher for use in planning instruction
 • Student interests and needs learned by the teacher for use in planning
 • Teacher participation in community cultural events
• Teacher-designed opportunities for families to share their heritages
• Database of students with special needs 


Common Commitments – We are going to implement the RA in RACE. We are going to use collaboration/Productive Partnering and Sentence frames.
You were provided with RACE (ELA and Math), the 4 L’s and sentence frame posters. They are expected to be up and used in all classrooms (important for coherence). They do not have to be the exact ones we passed out but they need to be the same in content - I understand wall space can be a challenge. 
We are going to model RA verbally by using complete sentences and holding students accountable for responding in complete sentences.

As we move forward this school year I want to also remind you that we are focusing on core instruction. If we are focused on high levels of instruction with engaging and meaningful standards based lessons we are well on our way to moving students. RACE, collaboration, sentence frames and modeling complete sentences, are some  instructional strategies that can help us move students. 

From The District: Click HERE


10/2  Shelley Miller

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