Week 27
Crafting Our Future Together
Week 27
Please Note:
students who are to be marked tardy are tracked in the office on a tardy log
and will come to class with a tardy slip. If a student does not have a tardy
slip than they are NOT to be marked tardy unless you verify with the
office. Auditors verify all students marked tardy in Aeries against the office
tardy log and we must have an exact match. We appreciate your attention to this
very important detail.
Great things from the week:
*Read Across America! Thank you PTA and all the teachers who made this such an wonderful day of literacy celebration.
*Thank you Sanci for presenting on Black History Month.
* 2nd Grade Field Trip
* CAASPP Training, thank you Lori for your support.
*Data Review Days! Great Job teams.
*Lunch with a loved one, thank you team for supporting this work.
*Jump Rope for Heart Kick Off - thank you Rhonda for the work you do. Thank you Lori for all the announcements.
*4th Grade Field Trip
*Report Card for Second Trimester getting done. Thank you for your hard work.
Saturday school this Saturday 3/6 - Please advertise.
Site Visits:
Dr. Hansen due to be here March 15th from 11-1 pm. He would like to see math if possible. Due to lunches we will use the following schedule as much as possible. We may not be exact, but this is my hope.
6th - 11:30-11:45
5th- 12:35-12:45
4th- 11:15-11:30
3rd- 12:45-1:00
2nd- 12:15-12:30 (at Eureka training)
1st - 11:45-12:00
K- 12:00-12:15
Dr. Ryan Lewis due to visit March 20th from 8:30-10:30
Ms. Lynn Carmen Day to visit May 3rd from 8:15-10:15 (she typically wants to see writing and spends time looking at the classroom environment)
Lori will put your subs in. Room 34
Mon., March 4, 1st Gr
Tues., March 5, 3rd & 4th Gr and Peterson
Weds., March 6, 2nd Gr and Vaughan
Lori will put your subs in. Room 34
Staffing and Construction Update:
*Staffing and moves have been released to the entire staff. I appreciate your professionalism and willingness to work as a team. There are going to be so many moves this summer, Carlos will be limited in the extra work he can do, please be gentle with him and his schedule.
*Students will get unfocused as soon as they feel summer is on the horizon, please make sure you are not taking down walls or packing too early. It is important that we stay focused and don't leave before we leave. Please do not start packing or taking items down until after May 3rd.
*Rooms 3,4, and 5 have to be completely empty for construction.
*Rooms 1,2,6,7 and 8. You can leave items stored as long as you don't need to get to them before Winter Break.
Please see Lori for boxes and tape when it gets to be that time.
SLT - Common Commitments:
As a staff we will commit to Intentional Collaborative Conversations.
“Intentional” means- grouping students together for an intentional purpose: giving certain partners or groups specific types of questions, and/or giving roles/jobs to particular students for a purpose in mind. (Such as a Reader, Writer, Illustrator, Reporter, etc… without giving a lower reader the Reader position, or shy person the reporter position.)
Within the Collaborative Conversations include using the 4Ls as norms, using sentence frames, complete sentences, and RACE as appropriate.
Gallup Survey Results - bit.ly/Gallup18-19
Information for CAASPP to come at staff meeting 3/5 and full discussion and review training at 4/2 Staff Meeting.
TENTATIVE CAASPP TESTING WINDOW : (Draft Schedule at this time)
Grades 3-6 ELA April 29th - May 3rd
Grades 3- 6 Math May 6th - 10th
Grade 5 Science May 13th -17th/ Make-ups
Make- Ups for all May 13th - May 24th (If necessary)
It is likely that we will not have library and READ 180 for the month of May due to construction and testing. Please do not schedule any field trips or invite/plan school wide activities from April 29th - May 17th if it will impact those students testing. If you know a student is going on Independent Studies during their testing window please let me know ASAP.
Grades 3-6 ELA April 29th - May 3rd
Grades 3- 6 Math May 6th - 10th
Grade 5 Science May 13th -17th/ Make-ups
Make- Ups for all May 13th - May 24th (If necessary)
It is likely that we will not have library and READ 180 for the month of May due to construction and testing. Please do not schedule any field trips or invite/plan school wide activities from April 29th - May 17th if it will impact those students testing. If you know a student is going on Independent Studies during their testing window please let me know ASAP.
*We are committed to teaching all four parts of Eureka Everyday: Fluency, Application Problem, Concept Development, Debrief.
*Goal is a balance of 50% teacher talk and 50% student talk.
*Manipulatives should be out and used.
-Instructional Time is valuable, please make sure we maximize every minute we have with our students. Make sure your activities all day long are addressing the Standards.
* Indoor recess or PE ideas Click Here.
* Please sign up for the Eureka Training for your grade level through the PD Hub.
* Danielson Training Dates: Take your Danielson Book (Please trade with someone if you can not make your training date)
-Instructional Time is valuable, please make sure we maximize every minute we have with our students. Make sure your activities all day long are addressing the Standards.
* Indoor recess or PE ideas Click Here.
* Please sign up for the Eureka Training for your grade level through the PD Hub.
* Danielson Training Dates: Take your Danielson Book (Please trade with someone if you can not make your training date)
4/9- Loder, Egana, Pham, Shay, Unzueta, Franczak, Patterson (Simone) - I need to check on these
This week:
3/4 - SkyDome Planetarium here
3/4 - 1st Grade Data Day (Room 34)
3/5- 3/4th grade data day
3/5- Brown offsite until 9, then 10:30-12:30
3/5- AVID Interviews for Chemawa (8-9)
3/5- Staff Meeting (Topics : 504, Science Adoption, construction and a few CAASPP).
3/6 - DELAC - Brown offsite 8:30- 12
3/7 - SLT Bourns for HILT - (K-2 bring assessments, 3-6 bring scratch paper)
3/7- AVID Interviews Chemawa (8-9)
3/9 - Saturday School (Brown will not be in attendance - Brown at RUSD Job Fair- Ramona HS)
3/10 Daylight Saving Time
Next Week:
3/12- TK-K Eureka Training
3/12- HILT
3/13- Spring Picture Day
3/13- Lori offsite after 11 am (Please be gentle on the office)
3/14-1st Grade Eureka Training
3/14- Brown offsite meeting unil 1
3/14- SSC 2:15-3:15
3/14- Brown Offsite Meeting 3:30
3/15- 2nd Grade Eureka Training
3/15- Perfect Attendance Day (every student in attendance gets to attend a DJ Party on 4/12)
3/15- Dr. Hansen Visit 11-1 (see schedule above)
3/15- Jump Rope For Heart 1-2 pm
3/17- St. Patrick's Day
3/17- St. Patrick's Day
Happy Birthday
3/16- Becky Franczak
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