Week 33

Crafting Our Future Together

Week 33
Related imageGreat Things From the Week:

Thank you to the noon supervisors and Shannell - I really appreciate your team support while Carlos is out. 

Thank you Alma for covering as needed.

Thank you to the office staff for always covering as needed.

Thank you for everyone who helped with Literacy Night, the community always enjoys seeing you out of the classroom.

Awesome Science in Ms. Larson's Room

Engaging Math Break Out Box in Ms. Pham's Room

Coding in Ms. Larson's Room

I enjoy watching the process as classrooms are moving away from teacher centered to student centered!

Math Manipulatives by module for Eureka Click Here -
Please invite me in for a math lesson when you are using math manipulatives.


Ms. Lynn Carmen Day to visit April 26th from 8:00-10:00 (she typically wants to see writing - although you may not be teaching writing at this time, she wants to see the evidence of processed writing, and spends time looking at the classroom environment)

Please remember we are not packing or taking anything down until after her visit. In addition to her wanting to see your instructional environment, it is disruptive to the students and they lose focus. 

SLT - Common Commitments: 

As we move closer to a student centered classroom, remember it is important for students to problem solve and Productive Struggle is good. The person in the classroom learning is the person doing the work..... 

As a first step, try to move closer to a 50% teacher talk/ 50% student talk model. (We need to increase intentional student talk/collaboration time)

As a staff we will commit to Intentional Collaborative Conversations.

“Intentional” means- grouping students together for an intentional purpose: giving certain partners or groups specific types of questions, and/or giving roles/jobs to particular students for a purpose in mind. (Such as a Reader, Writer, Illustrator, Reporter, etc… without giving a lower reader the Reader position, or shy person the reporter position.)

Within the Collaborative Conversations include using the 4Ls as norms, using sentence frames, complete sentences, and RACE as appropriate.

At the SLT we are keeping these common commitments, increasing student opprotuinites to focus on Speaking and Listening, and we learned about several new resources: 

Additionally, there is a comprehension intervention that goes with Wonders.

Staff Meeting 4/23 

Everyone meet together in room 23 - Ms. Fortin
3-6 will discuss CAASPP

TK-2 will start making classes for next year 
everyone please bring your Student Profile Sheets
* We have a team getting together 4/22 to pre-place some students based on specific need. Directions will be provided for making classes for the 2019-2020 school year. 

* Library and READ 180 will end 4/26
Wonder works ended 4/12
Combo support, Reading Lab,  Gateway and Early Numeracy will end 4/26 (Some may end earlier Please ask them for further clarification) 

Maira will stay and continue to support K-2 as needed to administer DIBELS EOY
through May 17th. Please work directly with Maira as needed. 

Please do not schedule any field trips or invite/plan school wide activities from April 29th - May 17th if it will impact those students testing. If you know a student is going on Independent Studies during their testing window please let me know ASAP.


For teachers not returning next year, please give Shelley your Danielson books so we can pass on to the new teachers. 

Parent Request - Parents may put their request in writing and submit it to the front office. They may also just tell you their preference, you are making the classes.  The goal is to slowly move away from classroom request.

Some high needs students will be pre-placed in classes (there is always space for a conversation about these students- their placement is not set in stone.) - but the majority of the students will be placed in classes created by the teachers. For example, the second grade team will create the classes for the third grade teachers. (Pre-placement meeting will be 4/22)- 

I do not change the classes- and you will get the copies of the Student Profile Sheets that are completed by teachers. (Previously called Pinks and Blues) 

Student files can be started now, remember you will need to do Ed Cards and Report Cards on the last day so plan accordingly. 

End of year Check Out- There will not be any check out sign ups. On Thursday May 30th (the last day). As soon as assemblies are done I will come by all the rooms before the bell rings and check out your rooms. If you are not ready, I am here all day and I can come back. If you need additional time, I will also be here Friday May 31st. Please plan ahead so you are ready for SUMMER!!!
Student files do have to be done BY FRIDAY MAY 31st at the latest - Amy has to finish her side of the work before she leaves for break. 

Please do electronic "Yard Sells" - Please do not bring items to the lounge - If no one wants your treasures, please discard or donate offsite. If there is an RUSD bar code talk to Shelley first. 

Staffing and Construction Update:

for those who are moving- you need to put all items in boxes and write on there where items will be moved too. Mark all furniture that also needs to be moved. - You are NOT expected to move any items. Just pack and unpack.

If you are not moving, please make sure your rooms are tidy at the end of the year, and i would recommend taking everything down that you don't want messed up by construction on the ceilings.

Put as much as you can in storage areas and cover the rest due to construction mess. 

*Students will get unfocused as soon as they feel summer is on the horizon, please make sure you are not taking down walls or packing too early. It is important that we stay focused and don't leave before we leave. Please do not start packing or taking items down until after May 3rd. 

Grades 3-6 can take down room environment for the CAASPP after Lynn's visit on 4/26 - you do not need to put it back up. 

Rooms 1-8 should be moved with the expectation that you will return the next school year. I doubt the rooms will be done too far before next summer. 

Kindergarten playground will probably be out of service the entire year as well. Better to prepare and be surprised if it is done early.

*Rooms 3,4, and 5 have to be completely empty for construction

*Rooms 1,2,6,7 and 8. You can leave items stored as long as you don't need to get to them before Winter Break. 

Please see Lori for boxes and tape when it gets to be that time. 

This week:

Ms. Debbie out this week for vacation- Please send only as needed, there is a sub, but she doesn't know the students very well. 

4/22- Pre-Placement of students with (Shannell, Clarissa, Meaghan, Alma, Simone, Amy and Christina)
4/23- Brown offsite until 9:00 am (Meeting with Dr. Lewis)
4/23- Staff Meeting - CAASPP/classes/Student Profile Sheets Due
4/23- Harrison Band Concert at Chemawa 6:00-7:00 pm
4/24- Boys Town Training 
4/24- Brown offsite until 12:30pm (Wonders Training)
4/24- Shannell at Training after 2:00 pm
4/24- Special Educator Awards Central Middle School 5:00-7:00 pm
4/25- ELPAC material pickup
4/25- Brown offsite until 12:30 pm (Principal's Meeting)
4/25- Brown offsite after 3:00 - Leadership Academy Reunion 
4/26- Lynn visit 8:00-10:00 - We will walk classrooms
4/26- Super Tigers 
4/26- Active Intruder Drill

Next Week:

CAASPP Testing Begins Through May 16th

4/29- 5/6 STEP Teacher Interviews - All day (After Testing Begins)
4/29- Lunch With a Loved One
4/30-Brown offsite for Health Assistant Interviews until 2:00 pm
4/30- Celebrating Student Excellence - 6th grade student Ramona High School 5:00-8:00 pm
5/1- Brown out until 9:00
5/1- Amy out for training after 1:00 pm
5/2- CAASPP Auditor here 
5/2- RUSD Employee Recognition Ceremony - Classified/Certified of the year and Retirements 
Ramona High School 4:00-6:00 pm

Image result for funny cat birthday meme

Happy Birthday

5/2 - Sally Clark 
5/4- Rosa Canal 


  1. That cat is scary.....give him some cake


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