
Showing posts from September, 2018

Week 8

Crafting Our Future Together Week 8 Great Things From the Week: * Ontario Reign Field Trip - Thank you Shelley for setting up this opportunity! You are the BEST! * Super Tiger assembly (Great job TK-2 for the cheer) * Lunch with a Loved One (We will host the last Monday of EVERY month) *Ms. Black and Ms. Egana at PBIS Confrence *Aides in Ms. Black's class helping out and working as a team *Ms. Arroyo working with the office and the team to support her students *Picture Day *Alma and the office holding down the office when I am out Nuts and Bolts: - September 28th was our  All In Perfect Attendance Day. Ms. Tavaglione, Ms. Vaughan and Ms. Patterson all achieved perfect attendance for the day. Three students, one from each class will be selected to Whip Cream the Principal. The school is invited and it is scheduled for the end of the day, Friday October 12th. Students whip creaming, to be determined. (P...

Week 7

Crafting Our Future Together Week 7  Great Things from the week: * Close Reading Strategies *Writing using text based evidence *Writing using graphic organizers *Book Buddies *ELA Adoption materials arriving *Tile Art *Google Expeditions *TK Centers *Preschool students  *Technology supporting learning *Eureka Training I have attended the fluency training with grades K, 1 and 3 this round. I really appreciate your professionalism. Please take advantage of our time in PD and learn. This is our learning year so please, ask questions and make sure you leave feeling supported and clear on expectations. Math is a focus for Harrison and RUSD. I will be looking for the implementation of the 4 components of Eureka! -Fluency -Application Problems -Concept Development -Debrief I do understand that modifications may be present in every component but remember that all 4 components MU...

Week 6

Crafting Our Future Together Week 6 Great things from the week: *Donation from IBEW Local Union 440 (Please send thank you notes up ASAP). *Codeing!!! We are the first elementary school in the district with every teacher trained in *Maria attending ELPAC training *Lori attending CAASPP training (Information to come). *Superiors coming together to support students.  *DATA driving instruction and interventions being discussed at Team Meetings - Great job! *Eureka Fluency Training * Thank you Shelley for letting us use your work space, Shelley is awesome.  *Choir Try Outs - Thank you Rhonda for all of your hard work! Great Turn out *SAP helping students, thank you Christina *STEP Team for always working together and communicating. You are doing an amazing job.  Nuts and Bolts: - September 28th is All In Perfect Attendance Day. Please talk with your students and help prom...